For without nature, we would not be.
We strive to cause as little harm as possible to the nature around us. Every year, we donate one percent of our annual revenue to the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.
At Treeline Outdoors, we seek to...
Much like you, we are climbers, skiers, paddlers, bikers, hikers, and photographers - we share your passion for outdoor pursuits and wild places. For this reason, the starting point for everything we do is to bring as little harm as possible to the planet.
When it comes to sustainability...
For without nature, we would not be.
We strive to cause as little harm as possible to the nature around us. Every year, we donate one percent of our annual revenue to the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.
At Treeline Outdoors, we seek to...
Much like you, we are climbers, skiers, paddlers, bikers, hikers, and photographers - we share your passion for outdoor pursuits and wild places. For this reason, the starting point for everything we do is to bring as little harm as possible to the planet.
When it comes to sustainability...
Viimeinen lenkki on ommeltu tarkoituksella kierteelle, jotta se istuisi hyvin valjaisin.
Huom! Älä ikinä klippaa yhtä aikaa kahta lenkkiä samalla sulkurenkaalla! Vaarana on että sauma aukeaa ja sulkurengas tulee läpi ompeleesta. Jos haluat lyhentää daisya ankkurissa, käytä siihen jatkoa tai toista sulkurengasta.
Paino 65 g, 2.3 oz
ID: 0250
Pituus (cm): 120
Lenkkejä: 11
Kesto (kN): 22
Materiaali: Dyneema®
Type: Daisy Chainit
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